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Salesforce Integration Dublin


Everyone we speak to these days is using Salesforce or integrating Salesforce and useing it as their CRM, but most of them are not utilising this piece of software to its full potential. If your website is an important source of lead capture then it’s crucial that those leads feed straight into your Salesforce CRM. 

Your website can provide an invaluable amount of information on each lead that comes through your website. If you set it up correctly you can also track the traffic source through specific fields so you can tell if the lead came through an affiliate, Adwords, organic search engine results or email campaign. All fields need to be mapped so they synch with the fields in your Salesforce lead database.

But don’t worry about the details we at Realise4 integrate salesforce in Dublin all the time.

So, if you are looking for an agency to build a website that needs integration with Salesforce, then look no further.

Salesforce by Realise4 Dublin, Ireland

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