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Website Grant Aid Dublin

Even though there is currently an increasing trend in online spending it is estimated that only 23% of small Irish businesses use eCommerce in any meaningful way. It is estimated that of all online purchases made in Ireland 70% are done in overseas markets.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Vouchers will be available to a maximum value of €2,500 or 50% of eligible expenditure (Exclusive of VAT), whichever is the lesser
  • Voucher approval must be gained prior to incurring any expense
  • Own labour is not an eligible expense
  • Third party costs only will be considered
  • All third party/supplier invoices must contain proper business details (e.g. Tax and Business Registration details)

Eligible Projects

  • Limited Online Trading presence
  • Less than 10 employees
  • Turnover less than €2m
  • Applicant business must be registered and trading for at least 12 months

How To Apply

(Click here)

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